A collection of architectural works : ranging from the Mississippi Delta to the middle of the ocean...

“All together Now”, uses the playground as a new public space for the City of El Retiro, in the region of Antioquia, Columbia. Within this new public space, an alphabet of elements are placed. These elements are attractors within the landscape. The tower, hole, cube, roof, and sandpit encourage open-ended multigenerational play, promoting action as much as they encourage rest. By learning how an element can be used and misused, a child enters into the shared practices of society such as conversing, problem solving, and collaborating.

Each of the elements in the playground provides unique opportunities for interaction, rejecting the prescribed nature of the standard playground. This prevents canonical affordances being forced upon children from their parents. Instead, the child's individual optics will guide the way they perceive the affordance that an object provides within the play environment. At the heart of the space is its democratic nature. A space, for all ages, manifested in a playground landscape.  

Project completed with partner, Oonagh Davis.

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